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bat365在线平台、所2020年系列学术活动(第139场):陈夏教授 田纳西大学

发表于: 2020-07-15   点击: 

报告题目:Intermittency for hyperbolic Anderson equations with time-independent Gaussian noise

报 告 人:陈夏,University of Tennessee

报告时间:2020年7月24日上午 8:50:00-9:50

报告地点:Zoom 会议 ID:941 567 2172 密码:20201315

会议链接: https://zoom.com.cn/j/9415672172?pwd=aTNtbXJXa1pqOTJTWGpmRFZYUlE3UT09

校内联系人:韩月才 hanyc@jlu.edu.cn


Compared to the parabolic Anderson equations, much less is known about the intermittency for hyperbolic Anderson equations mainly due to the absence of Feynman-Kac presentation. In this talk I will talk about a new method that allows the large deviation skills based on the Ito-Wiener chaos expansion. The talk is based on a recent collaborate work joint with Raluca Balan and Le Chen.


陈夏,美国田纳西大学数学系教授,主要研究方向为概率论及其相关领域,在大偏差理论与交叉局部时和抛物Anderson模型方面,取得了很多创新成果,在概率论研究领域顶级杂志期刊(如 The Annals of Probability, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare等)上发表多篇论文,出版专著《Random walk intersections》。