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发表于: 2017-11-30   点击: 

姓名: 伍铁如
职称: 教授
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
     email: wutr@jlu.edu.cn

所在学科专业: 计算数学
所研究方向 外形设计与分析,图像及视频处理,机器学习及应用

























5. CAGD中若干基本问题的代数几何理论与可行算法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,时间为20051月至200712月,额度23万(批准号:10471055

1.Wu Tieru, Gao Weiguo and Feng Guochen, Blending of implicit algebraic surfaces, Proceedings of the ASCM 1995(Beijing, China, Aug.18--20), 125―131.

2. Zhou Yunshi and Wu Tieru, Blending algebraic surfaces of lowest degree, Proceedings of the ASCM1995(Beijing, China, Aug. 18--20), 133--136.

3. Wu Tieru, Zhou Yunshi and Feng Guochen, Blending two quadratic algebraic surfaces with cubic surfaces, Proceedings of ASCM 1996 (Kobe, Japan, Aug. 20―22), 73―79.

4. Feng Guochen, Wu Tieru, Yu Kai and Zhou Yunshi, Three-way blends of implicit algebraic surfaces, Proceedings of 3rd ASCM(Lanzhou, China, Aug. 6―8,1998), 201--208.

5. Wu Tieru and Zhou Yunshi, On blending of several quadratic algebraic surfaces, CAGD 17(2000), 759.-766,2000 (SCI).

6. Wu Tieru, Lei Na and Cheng Jinsan, Wu Wen-tsun Formulae for the Blending of Pipe Surfaces, Northeast Mathematics, Vol.17, No.4,383-386,2001.

7. Wu Tieru and Zhou Yunshi, 3-way Blending Surfaces of Symmetric Form, Computational Mathematics and Applications, ICMS2002.

8. Lei Na, Wu Tieru and Feng Guochen, Wu Wen-tsun Formulae for the Blending of Quadratic Surfaces, International Congress of Mathematical Software,372-378, ICMS2002.

9. Feng Guochen, Wu Tieru, Yu Kai, Zhang Shugong and Zhou Yunshi, Blending several implicit algebraic surfaces with ruled surfaces, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics,Vol.34, 89-111,2003.

10. Wu Tieru and Han Liwen, Newton Form Formulae for the n-way Blending of Quadratic Surfaces, JCC Workshop '03: Digital Engineering, Korea, 2003.

11. Han Liwen and Wu Tieru, Subdivision Generation for the Blending of Quadratic Surfaces, The Proceedings of International Symposium on Computing and Information, 2004.

12. Wu Tieru and Cheng Honglu, Basic Lines, Axes and Geometric Modeling on Implicit Algebraic Surfaces, The Proceedings of International Symposium on Computing and Information, 863-867, 2004.SCI

13. Han Liwen and Wu Tieru, Subdivision Generation for the Blending of Quadratic Surfaces, Journal of information& Computational science1:1(2004)35-40EI.

14. Wu Tieru and Cheng Honglu, Basic Lines, Axes and Geometric Modeling on Implicit Algebraic Surfaces, JCAM Vol 195/1-2 212-2192006SCI)。

15.  Wen-Yong Gong, Yong-Jin Liu, Kai Tang, Tie-Ru Wu, 2-manifold surface sampling and quality estimation of reconstructed meshes, 8th international symposium on Voronoi diagram in science and engineering, 15-22,2011. (EI)

16. Wen-Yong Gong, Yong-Jin Liu, Tie-Ru Wu. Delaunay/Voronoi Dual Representation of Smooth 2-Manifolds. The 12th International Conference on CAD/Graphics, 494-501,2011. (EI)

17. Wen-Yong Gong, Min-Hao Guo, Tie-Ru Wu. Computing Discrete Ruled Surfaces Using Weighted Graph. International Conference on Mechatropic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer, 1019-1024,2011. (EI)

18. Yong-Jin Liu*, Kai Tang, Wen-Yong Gong, Tie-Ru Wu. Industrial Design using Interpolatory Discrete Developable Surfaces. Computer Aided Design, Vol.43, No.9, 1089-1098, September 2011.(SCI,EI)

19. Minghao Guo, Tieru Wu, Shugong Zhang, Geometric Information and Rational Parametrization of Nonsingular Cubic Blending Surfaces,Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2011, Article ID 349315, 16 pages, 2011. DOI:10.1155/2011/349315. (SCI).

20. Wenyong Gong, Xinglong Wu, Tieru Wu. Fakery Image Identifying using Lighting Direction. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 1945-19552012.EI

 21. Zhen Wang*, Yuanhai Shao, Tieru Wu, A GA-based Model Selection for Smooth Twin Parametric-Margin Support Vector Machine, Pattern Recognition, Vol.46, No.8, 2267-2277,AUG 2013 .(SCIEI)

22. Bo Peng, Hui-Xin Zhang*, Zhi-Wei Hao, Jian Wang, Rui Ma, Tie-Ru Wu,

Multi-source deformation blending and transfer, Chinese Journal of Computers, v 36, n 12, p2491-2498, December 2013 .(EI)

23. Ruifeng Wu, Huilai Li, Tieru Wu*, A Family of Modified Even Order Bernoulli-Type Multiquadric Quasi-Interpolants with Any Degree Polynomial Reproduction Property, Journal of Applied Mathematics , Article ID 389215, 2014.(SCI).

24. Zhen Wang*, Yuan-Hai Shao, Tie-Ru Wu, Proximal parametric-margin support vector classifier and its applications, Neural Computing and Applications,Vol.24, No.3-4,755-764 , Mar 2014.(SCI,EI)

 25. Wen-Yong Gong*, Yong-Jin Liu, Kai Tang, Tie-ru Wu, Variational Discrete Developable Surface Interpolation, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,  Vol. 14, No.2Article ID021002 JUN 2014.(SCI,EI)

26. Yichen Jia, Tieru Wu, Seamles s instant image cloning based on derivative and intensity interpolation,  Journal of Information and Computational Science, v 11, n 9, p 3019-3028, June 10, 2014.(EI)

27. Minghao Guo, Tieru Wu, Shugong Zhang, Rational parametrization of fat quadric surfaces, Journal of Information and Computational Science, v 11, n 10, p3613-3620, July 1, 2014.(EI)

28. Wenyong Gong, Yong-Jin Liu*, Kai Tang and Tieru WuApproximate Delaunay mesh reconstruction and quality estimation from point samples, Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsPages 23-34 Volume 274,2015. (SCI,EI)

29. Ruifeng Wu, Tieru Wu and Huilai Li*, A family of multivariate multiquadric quasi-interpolation operators with higher degree polynomial reproduction, Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsPages 88-108,Volume 274,2015. (SCI,EI)

30. Wenyong Gong, Xiaohua Xie*, Rui Ma and Tieru Wu, Angle-Preserving Quadrilateral Mesh Parameterization, IEEE Computer Graphics and Application,51-59, Vol.35,No.6, 2015.SCI

31. Xue Jiao*, Huixin Zhang, Tieru Wu, Mesh segmentation guided by seed points, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems and Manufacturing, Vol.9, No.4, SI, 15-00012, 2015.SCI

32. Xue Jiao*, Tieru Wu, A visual consistent adaptive image thresholding method, Image Science Journal, Vol.64, No.1, 34-49, Jan 2016.SCI

33.Jiao Xue*Wu TieruQin Xuzhou,Mesh segmentation by combining mesh saliency with spectral clustering, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS2018329134~146 ;SCI, EI.

34Xiaoni Liu Yinan LuTieru WuTianwen YuanAn Improved Local Descriptor based Object Recognition in Cluttered 3D Point CloudsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Vol. 13No. 2221-2342018.

35.Qin Xuzhou ; Wu Tieru ; Liu YipengResearch and Application of Example-Driven Surface Deformation MethodCHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS 281),85-92(2019). SCI

36.Qin Xuzhou, Wu Tieru, Liu Yipeng. A surface deformation method based on stiffness control [J]. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 14(1),DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2020jamdsm0010(2020). SCI

37.Ruifeng Wu, Huilai Li, Tieru Wu*, Univariate Lidstone-type multiquadric quasi-interpolants,Computational and Applied Mathematics  393),141-159(2020). SCI

38.Zhang, C., Niu, Y., Wu, T. et al. Color Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement with Inter-Channel Details at Trivial Cost,J. Comput. Sci. Technol, 35, 889–899 (2020). SCI










9. 华为云与计算先锋教师


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